Weathering Transits ~ 18 Aug 2015

Weather forecasters are all abuzz, feverishly predicting a Godzilla of an El Niño brewing in the Pacific. Astrologically, there’s good reason to give this prediction a more than ample portion of conscious attention.

Historically it has been proved, when the perihelion (closest point to the Sun in orbital path) of Mars (6 Pisces 25, heliocentric coordinate, 1 September) endures a transit from any other planet, a storm of short wave radio activity brews. Coincident with this, other emanations join in, and bombard the solar system with highly-charged energy. The energy impacts wind patterns on Earth, and thus, increases storm activity. As well, disturbances in electromagnetic signal transmission typically coincide with these outbursts. The energy amplification also impacts satellites (subsequently, cable, cell phone signals, Internet) as well as potentially affecting the power grid. You can bet astronauts on the space station don their lead-lined space suits and stay away from the windows.

In the next weeks, two notable transits impact Mars’ axis of volatility by transiting the aphelion of Mars in Virgo, and two directly align with the perihelion of Mars in Pisces.

Venus in Pisces (heliocentric) crosses the perihelion on August 24th. Venus, an indication of moisture, in astrological weather projections suggests shifts in rainfall, likely increasing, and now occurring in different regions - hopefully impacting the drought-stricken southwestern region of the United States and other global regions receiving changing wind currents as well.

The Earth (opposite position of the Sun) in Pisces transits the perihelion of Mars on August 29th.

While this past week has been bone dry and insanely hot in the desert southwest, directly in the cross hairs of projected winds, the promise by forecasters of a wetter than normal end of August continues to hold hope given the Pisces transits above.

The big deal of the El Niño begins in earnest when Jupiter directly comes in orb (sometimes considered to be as wide as ten degrees) of the aphelion of Mars. The exact conjunction occurs on October 5th. Expect that anytime now, his influence kicks in, and as Jupiter does things, in a big way.

The finale of the next cycle of direct transits to the axis of the perihelion/aphelion of Mars comes about on November 20th, as Mars crosses his own aphelion. Should this add extra intensity? Yes. And given Jupiter and Mars, both more potent than the norm, the predictions for the Godzilla weather pattern ahead makes perfect sense.

As an aside, in late October, Saturn in Sagittarius squares the perihelion-aphelion axis of Mars. This augments weather influences, however, the climate of all political contests certainly intensifies as platforms and beliefs get challenged with vigor and vehemence.

So, knowing about the weather and physical effects of the above transits helps somewhat. But what can people expect other than the Internet crashing, the cloud devouring precious content (note: conduct tangible backups of important files), and the endless refrain of “can you hear me now?” on mobile phones everywhere?

Well, these trends are courtesy of Mars. And this is Mars amplifying ambient energy in his won way. It makes sense that a person’s electromagnetic system undergoes abnormal stimulation, too. As the chakras spin, so the aura glows. With the energy running in the redline, hair-trigger, knee-jerk reactions to situations that destabilize ones sense of tranquility occur without warning.

The key in these intervals would be to:

Ensure calmness. Whatever yoga, meditation or calming activities you enjoy, enjoy them with abundance measure.

Since Mars is involved, if one contends physical activity tends to calm the body-mind system, the effects of activity on the energy-spirit system might be verified in the real world before relying upon this approach.

Nature is good. Should you need to plant seeds, use your hands as much as possible. If its leave-raking season where you are, take time to smell those leaves. If not counterproductive to your work, jumping in a nice pile of leaves might be fun.

Eat grounding foods.

Realize that during these time intervals if you travel by air, you will be exposed to significantly more radiation. Before, during and after air travel, apply radiation-reduction strategies, including food and possibly plugging in a hard wire mobile phone earpiece for a change to keep cell phone energy away from your cranium.

When encountering unexpected, high-energy situations, keep your reactions in check. Take a moment before fully expressing reactions. A breath or two work wonders whether your boss tells you layoffs are necessary, or you get a call from an agent who tells you a deal is in place. Either way, good or bad, work to maintain energetic stability.

Bear in mind that in the above noted times, reactions for no reason can often occur. Sometimes reactions have no reason according to real world evidence for their existence. Knowing these details, work through the “all reactions are real” camp. Have the feelings and figure them out after. Given the amount of Virgo energy in play, the tempting “figure it out, feel it later” mode likely spawns frustration.

Another very helpful step, express gratitude for all the good things that come your way. No matter how small. These expressions heap up, shift your energy to the enlightened side of the spectrum and add a huge dollop of pleasantness to the aura.

More soon.